... in everyday life
Hi there, my name is Deb I'm the primary author of Focused on the Magic. I share my take on thrifting and collecting, photography fun, food, home entertainment, movies, and family travel as a big Vintage loving Disney fan who is always curious and learning.
Life after Nasopharyngeal cancer and being a recent widow hasn't been easy. You'll hear me say repeatedly how important keeping a positive attitude and focusing on the magic in everyday life has been for my recovery and health.
Focused on the Magic is about connecting our readers with awesome events and entertainment, recipes & restaurant reviews, photography tips & fun, tech & travel, and products & brands that have made our lives more enjoyable.
Have a magical day,
~ Deb
Have a question? Want to send me some pixie dust? Share your thoughts with me?Send your emails to Deb Silhan focusedonthemagic@gmail.com.