Each week there is a theme. You do not have to follow the theme prompt. Use your imagination! It can be in or out of the parks, cruises, food, kids, pets, holidays, buses, boats.....as long as you own it!

Place the Blog Hop button code into your html somewhere in your blog and posting a blurb about the blog hop in your blog or on Facebook with a link back to Focused on the Magic.
Please spread the word on Facebook and Twitter. Every week our group grows because you spread the word! Our blog hop success is due to all of your efforts, Thank you so much!
Now that you've read all about the hops, it's time to link up. After (publishing) posting your blog post simply copy your post url and paste it into the Link up tool on the blog hop page for that day. Link-up will be on the front page of this blog on Wednesday - right here!!

I hope this explained a bit about our hop and answered any questions you may have. If you still have questions after reading this, please don't hesitate to email me, Deb at focusedonthemagic@gmail(dot)com