

Disney Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop: July Calendar Shot

Which one of your Disney vacation photos captures July for you?
If you were to make a July calendar which photo would you choose for the month of July? That's the theme this week.
July is a big month in our family.  My son's birthday and our wedding anniversary are in July. It also happens to be the month I start the 7 week course of  Radiation/Chemo Therapy. Not a reason to celebrate exactly. but certainly a momentous occasion for us.
Finding just one shot that brings it all together is not easy. I chose a favorite, Wishes Nighttime Spectacular in Walt Disney World.

Now it's time to link up your #DisneySide Wordless Wednesday photo....

Focused On The Magic



    1. 4th of July Fireworks....gorgeous!!!

    2. I love fireworks, and fireworks at Disney are the best!
