

Tiggerific Trivia ~ #Disneyland, 1955

Walt Disney giving the dedication day speech J...

Today's trivia is part history part trivia but all around fascinating for any Disneyland fan.

Have you ever wondered what it was like to be a guest at Disneyland in 1955?

Yesterday my DS sent me a vintage Disneyland video he had seen on Reddit. He knew when he saw it that I would just love it, and I do. It was a flashback for me. I would have turned 5 at about the time these home movies were taken. Seeing it took me on a nostalgic journey back to my childhood and a time that was simply magical. 

Thanks so much to Disney historian, Todd James Pierce of
 The Disney History Institute  for creating Disneyland Voce 1955 which is a compilation video from a dozen home movies shot in the first five months of Disneyland's opening in 1955. The Disney History Institute is a wonderful site filled with historical pictures and videos.

Obscure and Wonderful Things to Notice in this Video, click here: // Video: multiple home movies taken during Disnneyland's first five months of operation. // Song: "Keep Breathing" (cover) by the loreleis, available on iTunes.Disneyland Voce 1955

I'll share three of the wonderful and obscure things found in this film but be sure to head over and have a look at the full list HERE.

Canal Boats of the World - Before Storybook Land (built in 1956), on roughly the same waterway, Disneyland featured a short-lived ride called Canal Boats of the World, in which guests floated past dirt.
Phantom Boats - These are the fabled Phantom Boats—the shortest-lived attraction at Disneyland. Yes, even shorter-lived than the disastrous Rocket Rods. The Phantom Boats lasted just over 13 months before being pulled from the lagoon.
On opening day, Disneyland, Ice Capades

Disney Characters - On opening day, Disneyland borrowed character costumes from the Ice Capades. In the 1950s, Disneyland was without walk-around characters. 

I thought this comment on You Tube was filled with a great deal of insight into the film making process of the time... plus I love geeky photography info.
My background is Film/TV. The 1st color cinematography was patented in 1899 and tested in 1902. Much of this Disney footage may have been shot with 35 mm x 24 mm frame 100-sp film. The resolution of emulsion film is estimated to contain the equivalent of around 4 and 16 million pixels depending on the type of film used. Most Professional-quality "film" cameras can record higher resolution images than current top-end digital cameras Medium format film is the equivalent of approx 50 megapixels.
What are your earliest memories of Disneyland?

Have a Tiggerific Day!  
Focused on the Magic Deb
 Focused on the Magic Disney Tiggerific Trivia fun


  1. I have NO Disneyland memories - YET! But, I still LOVED this video. So cool. Thanks so much for linking up this week.

  2. I love the picture of the characters! They sure have changed a lot over the years! And I had no idea they didn't have any characters in the park in the 1950s. Thanks for sharing this trivia!

  3. Love the video, we are trying to work a Disneyland trip into this fall. Hopefully we can as we have some Disneyland memories to make.

  4. Sounds like a Disneyland trip should be in your future! My only memories of Disneyland park are the ones I have from TV as child. Walt Disney would come on the TV every Sunday night and share all the great new adventures that were happening in DL. Magical memories! YVW Heidi and thank you too for hosting the hop today! I love Disney trivia!!

  5. Isn't that something? They only appeared occasionally, nothing like today! I remember seeing the Icecapades show when it traveled to New York and it was so cool.

  6. Sounds like a great adventure! There are so many Disney memories to make!

  7. I'm sure that was an awesome show to see! I'm an iceskater, so I love watching ice skating shows. I got to go to Disney on Ice (Toy Story 3) a couple years ago. It was great!

  8. Not gonna lie, I totally teared up (in a happy way) while watching that video :) My family has only been to Disneyland once when I was very young, but I definitely want to take my son sometime soon.

  9. Fascinating! I love that they borrowed Ice Capades costumes - although, those are a bit scary looking!
