

Almost Wordless Wednesday ~ Disney Social Media Magical Memories

Focused on the Magic

Welcome to The Disney Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop here at Focused on the Magic where each week we gather with other Disney Bloggers to link up and share our Wordless Wednesday or Almost Wordless Wednesday Disney related picture posts.
This week's theme: Social Media Disney Memories

You are probably wondering just what I'm talking about. Well, I thought it would be fun to share pictures we've put up on all the different social media sites with links to them. For mine I wanted to share Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Flickr and Facebook pictures with you in an image map, something I just started learning how to do. I had it all set up with some great pictures and links to all the places where you could find the pictures and the inevitable happened.. the code didn't work. I do hope you will follow, like me and please sign up for our new E-Newsletter anyway. You can find the links in the sidebar.

After my code failure I started thinking about all the wonderful people I've met over the years through Disney social media at meet ups in the parks. I knew then I had to share some of the pictures from our magical gatherings.

As you can imagine, I have tons of pictures from those get-togethers. Even after losing some to the computer crash I still have tons. There just wasn't enough room in this little collage to fit all of the pictures. I could literally fill a book! So, if you don't see yourself pictured here I'm very sorry. You will be featured the next time we visit this topic/theme. Thank you so much to everyone I've had the pleasure of meeting in the parks and for all the wonderful memories over the years. Hugs all around!! XXOO

Time to link up your post!

  • No linky posts please (they take away from the other bloggers linked up here) and please use a direct URL to your post.
  • Please leave a comment below after you link up and tell me what you think of the theme, my picture and whatever else is on your mind this week! I love reading your comments and seeing your posts!
  • Help spread the word in the Disney Facebook and Twitter online community about your post and the hop. The great success of this hop is because you spread the pixie dust with your efforts each week with your fabulous posts!  Thank you!
Focused On The Magic




  1. FUN TOPIC... and HOLY COW you've done a lot of fun Disney Media partying!! :) Love the collage of great memories - wonder how many people I "know" in there??

  2. I see me! I say we get a new one together this fall!!!

  3. How lucky for you to have attended all these events and meeting Disney like-minded folks. Great collage and now I have to look up how to do an image map. I think I'm following you everywhere now :)

  4. Looks like a lot of great people and a lot of great fun.

  5. Oh wow, looks like so much fun!!

  6. Deb, you have many, many friends across the wide Disney fan spectrum. It's a testament to how much folks value your work and love you!!

  7. You posted so many pictures! What fun! I posted just one. :-) But one I especially love. Ah, friends and family at Disney. Makes me smile.

  8. I would love to learn more about meet-ups! They look like so much fun - especially since all the people you meet love the same things you do - Disney!! I see things about them on the DIS DVC message boards but have never been able to make it happen. :( Moving my blog from Totally Writing to Mrs. Spangler in the Middle - middle as in Middle School and in the middle of all kinds of other things too! :)

  9. You totally captured the magic that takes place at the DSMM events!

  10. Sorry that the embed code did not work, but your collage of meet up photos is perfect. Thank you as always for hosting this weekly fun.

  11. Great collage of Disney social fun! You've been to several of the same events I've been to - can't believe I haven't met you in person! Need to make that happen next time :)

  12. Wow - you've met a ton of cool people Deb - and they have met YOU! :) I need to get my collage together!

  13. What a great collage! I can't wait to meet you IRL. :) I would love to meet all my new Disney friends at the parks someday! Awesome collage!

  14. Awesome collection of photos! I'm so glad we were able to meet in person. :)

  15. So much fun! Thanks for sharing!

  16. Looks like you've gotten to meet a lot of fun people! I've enjoyed getting to "meet" new Disney friends through blog hops like yours. Love the theme this week too!

  17. Great pics Deb, I love seeing all the great people from all the meet-ups and meeting fellow Blogorailers

  18. Thanks Diane! I looked for that great picture of the two of us from Star Wars Weekend and I just couldn't find it on my laptop. I am going to scream and cry if that was lost in the crash!! I hope you still have your copy! It was so much fun seeing you. We really need to meet up again!

  19. Isn't it wonderful meeting everyone in the parks and "On the Road" with #DSMM? I've been meeting up with #Disney online friends since the early 90's (the first DISBoard meet) and made a lot of magical memories!!

  20. You're welcome and thanks for linking up today! It was so much fun seeing everyone's social media memories!

  21. I am so glad we got to meet as well! Remember the cupcakes?! We'll have to do it again!

  22. Love your collage, Deb! So many great friends! :)

  23. You have met a lot of fun and interesting people over the years! We hope to do the same someday! Disney is a great way for getting people together!

  24. Thanks for hosting my favorite time of the week!

  25. Wow! Look at all the people you've met! How fun!

  26. Deb your collage is amazing! I just love how this crazy Social Media thing has brought so many people together ♥♥

