

Disney Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop ~ Star Wars Weekend Characters

Disney+Wordless+Wednesday+Blog+Hop Focused on the Magic
Welcome to The Disney Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop here at Focused on the Magic where each week we gather with other Disney Bloggers to link up and share our Wordless Wednesday or Almost Wordless Wednesday Disney related picture posts.

 Once again I'm so very thrilled and thankful to say, Mike of My Dreams of Disney is our Disney Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop Co-Host this week while I'm in Disney World.

This week's theme: Character Movie Stars! 
Star Wars Weekend Characters
Last weekend I experienced the first of the Star Wars Weekends 2013 at Hollywood Studios which is filled with the largest gathering of Star Wars characters every weekend through June.  The force is still strong with me but my pictures aren't all uploaded yet so I thought it would be fun to share a collage of some of my favorite Star Wars characters from years past.

Time to link up your post and hop!

  • No linky posts please (they take away from the other bloggers linked up here) and please use a direct URL to your post.
  • Please leave a comment below after you link up and tell me what you think of the theme, my picture and whatever else is on your mind this week! I love reading your comments and seeing your posts!
  • Help spread the word in the Disney Facebook and Twitter online community about your post and the hop. The great success of this hop is because you spread the pixie dust with your efforts each week with your fabulous posts!  Thank you!
Focused On The Magic




  1. Looks like a wonderful trip so far! Great Star Wars collage. What an experience to be in the middle of these festivities. I'm not a huge Star Wars fan but it would still be great to see all of this. Love Goofy in there.

  2. Great Star Wars collage! I really need to get out to WDW for Star Wars Weekends sometime soon. It looks like so much fun :)

  3. What fun pictures! We had to leave on the 17th so we missed the Star Wars fun. I hope you are having a fantastic time!!

  4. As always, your pictures collages are amazing but this one definitely shows that the Force is strong within you! I feel as though I'm right there at Star Wars Weekend!

  5. Great shots! I hope you're having a blast :)

  6. So cool! That has got to be fun to be surrounded by all the Star Wars characters! What an experience!

  7. What a great group of photos from last week. One day I hope to get there to experience it in person with my family.

  8. Love Star Wars weekends, so much to see. You captured so much, thanks for sharing!

  9. This is a great range of all the characters - not all of them but so, so many! Fantastic opportunity and great photos of all of them :)

  10. Awesome collage. I love all the characters in this pic :-)

  11. What AWESOME Star Wars shots! That is so fun! Star Wars weekends is definitely on our Disney bucket list sometime! Even without it though, we were able to meet some fun characters while we were there! :)

  12. Great collage!! Still can't believe I've never been there for SWW yet! One of these days... it will happen! lol. In the meantime, thanks for sharing these pictures!

  13. Wonderful photos Deb! It looks like you are having a fabulous time!

