

Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop ~ The Disney Letter "J"

Disney+Wordless+Wednesday+Blog+Hop Focused on the Magic
Welcome to The Disney Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop here at Focused on the where each week we gather with other Disney Bloggers to link up and share our Wordless Wednesday or Almost Wordless Wednesday Disney related picture posts.

This week's theme is the Disney inspired Letter "J". We've been moving through the alphabet and I've had enjoyed going through all my pictures looking for just the right ones for each week's theme.

 L to R. Jack Spence, whom we were thrilled to meet up with at Epcot. Jungle Cruise Elephant, Jugglers in China, Indiana Jones, Jesse, Joodie Patootie, Jiminy Cricket and Mickey's Jammin Jungle Expedition

Time to link up your post!

  • No linky posts please (they take away from the other bloggers linked up here) and please use a direct URL to your post.
  • Please leave a comment below after you link up and tell me what you think of the theme, my picture and whatever else is on your mind this week! I love reading your comments and seeing your posts!
  • Help spread the word in the Disney Facebook and Twitter online community about your post and the hop. The great success of this hop is because you spread the pixie dust with your efforts each week with your fabulous posts!  Thank you!
Focused On The Magic




  1. Great idea to do the collage! Awesome J pictures! I completely forgot Jesse!! Thanks for hosting Deb!

  2. Love your collage! That jungle cruise elephant is so cute! Thanks for hosting!

  3. Great shots, Deb! Thanks so much for hosting the hop- I love participating!

  4. All great J's! I too enjoy the challenge of finding a specific letter. :-)

  5. Love the collage of Disney J items. Always so much fun to participate, thank you.

  6. Great stuff, Deb! The Indiana Jones pic could work for the Disney Letter I also! Thanks for having this hop every week!

  7. Aww, I would love one of those little jiminy crickets in my *House*. :) Great pictures Deb.

  8. Deb, love your photos and thank you for hosting!!

  9. Great shots, really love the way these are displayed. Thanks for hosting!

  10. This was such a fun topic to do. I had to stop myself at 11 Js. Thanks, Deb!

  11. Yay Jack Spence! :) Awesome that you got to meet him! Love all your other pics as well - especially Jiminy!

  12. I love the collage Deb, Awesome J's Indeed ...

  13. Clever J's and what wonderful shots to represent them!

  14. Great collage! Loving the theme this week. ;)

  15. Fabulous collage... what program do you use? Love the big J in the middle.

  16. What a fun idea to do a collage! I'm glad you included Jiminy... I thought of him last night, but couldn't find any pix ;)

    Thanks so much for the fun weekly hop, Deb! You (and your lovely blog) are awesome.

  17. Another great collage! Joodie Patootie? Can't say that I have a pic of her.

  18. Love this collage! I'm partial to the Jungle Cruise :]

  19. Lovely photos Deb! I love that Jungle Cruise one, a classic!


  20. Thanks Suz! Just getting back online now. My laptop crashed and I'm using my DS's old laptop with broken keys and a cracked screen that looks like a Rorschache test
