

Wordless Wednesday ~ Welcome Spring!

Disney+Wordless+Wednesday+Blog+Hop Focused on the Magic
Welcome to The Disney Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop here at Focused on the where each week we gather with other Disney Bloggers to link up and share our Wordless Wednesday or Almost Wordless Wednesday Disney related picture posts.

This week's theme is Spring Fever to celebrate the first day of Spring! 
Time to link up!

  • No linky posts please (they take away from the other bloggers linked up here) and use a direct URL to your post.
  • Please leave a comment below after you link up and tell me what you think of the theme, my picture and whatever else is on your mind this week! I love reading your comments!
  • Help spread the word in the Disney Facebook and Twitter online community about your post and the hop. The great success of this hop is because you spread the pixie dust with your efforts each week!       Thank you!
Focused On The Magic




  1. Love the photos in your collage. Spring at Epcot is beyond beautiful. Thank you for the magic each week.

  2. Doesn't feel like Spring here in NYC! Thanks for brightening this cold cold day with those pretty green photos!

  3. Sooo pretty and definitely springy!

  4. Great shots! I love the Pixie topiaries. Happy first day of Spring!

  5. My most favorite time of year! Lovely spring photos, Deb.

  6. Love the Spring photos, I wish I was there right now, it is not spring here!

  7. beautiful spring photos, Deb! Love that butterfly one. Happy Spring!

  8. I love the fairies! I showed my 3 year old and she was so excited to see her favorite fairies....but she wondered why they looked like leaves!? haha Thank you for sharing and for hosting this fun blog hop!

  9. Love the collage! Great way to show off your beautiful photos!

  10. Beautiful pics Deb, I love the butterfly garden so pretty. This is my favorite time of year at WDW, the flowers are amazing. Thanks for sharing....

  11. Great collage of topiaries! We love the fairies!

  12. I love those fairy topiaries, they are just beautiful!

  13. I can't get enough of the topiaries, the attention to detail and the amount of work that goes into each one is astounding. Thanks for hosting!

  14. Love the theme! I needed a little sunshine on this cold GA day. It's supposed to be warm! Also, love the topiary pics. Terence is my favorite. :)

  15. How magical those fairies are- and what color they are surrounded by. Wow!

  16. Thanks for hosting! It's our first time linking up! :) Your pictures are gorgeous!

  17. Love the butterfly garden. Definitely have some spring fever here. Wish it would stop snowing and finally warm up. :)

  18. Those fairies are absolutely beautiful! :]

  19. Those are all beautiful but love how they did the fairies. The butterfly shot just screams out Spring is Here. Hope you're having a Spring-like weather. Happy Spring!

  20. Thanks for hosting this! I love your butterfly picture!

  21. What a beautiful collage. Makes me feel like putting on some shorts and a T-shirt and going for a long walk outside. Of course, I'd probably freeze to death if I did that here, so I'm going to stay inside and just surf around all these great Spring posts instead. Happy first day of Spring!

  22. Gorgeous pictures! I love Disney in the spring

  23. It would be wonderful to be at Disney for the spring, since it's non-existent here in Indiana with all this snow we have!!

  24. One of my favorite times at Disney is Springtime because I love the Flower and Garden Show at Epcot! It is so amazing what they can do with plants and flowers and turn them into art! It inspires me to create new things:)

  25. Such beautiful pictures! I can't way to see what's in store this year at the Flower and Garden Festival. I think it's awesome that they have incorporated some food tasting booths as well!

  26. We get to go again in a few weeks! Hubby is taking me to see Paul Revere for a belated anniversary trip! I can't wait to see the new topiaries and try out the food offerings!

  27. I can't believe I am missing the Flower and Garden Festival again this year but sometimes life gets in the way of our Disney trips and I have to make the most of it!! Great pictures!!

  28. You take such amazing pictures! I love the butterfly.

  29. I really wish that I was able to see the Flower and Garden Festival. I have several things that I want to experience at WDW, and this is one of them. And, while we are covered in snow at the moment, this makes me wish I was there even more!

  30. With the two to four inches of snow on the ground, it would be lovely to be at the spring temps and weather of Walt Disney World!

  31. We've not been for the F&G Festival since 2006 and my girls have been missing it! Your photos make me miss it too!!!

  32. With the changing of the seasons here in New England the flower show reminds me that soon all this horrid snow will be gone and the flowers will be blooming here at home but I'm still wishing I was down in Disney!!!

  33. I wish I could be here instead of cold Illinois.

  34. Such beautiful spring pictures! I hope to make it to the Flower and Garden festival someday :)

  35. I love Spring, but it certainly doesn't feel like it here in WI. That groundhog is a liar! I most definitely wish I was in Disney World or Disneyland right now.

  36. LOVE these! We are going down in just 3 shorts weeks for the festival, and I can't wait to see all of this in person!!!

  37. Beautiful photos! Can't wait to see F&G myself in a month. :)

  38. Haven't been to this in the last few years, but the last time we were able to see the flower fest. it was amazing! Love the Fairies topiaries!

  39. I've only ever been to disney in the summer time. I would love to go in the spring! Hoping to go this fall :)

  40. Wow what beautiful pictures!!!!

  41. Beautiful topiaries. WDW must be gorgeous with all the flowers.

  42. We live by Disneyland and everything is blooming right now at 80 outside so it's a great time to go. I love the Pixie topiary they are all so cute. The Milkweed with the Monarch is beautiful were planting milkweed right now in our yard for them too.

  43. I can't wait to go to the Flower and Garden Festivle

  44. I wish spring had hit the Midwest already. I'll be going to WDW soon but unfortunately am missing the festival :(

  45. I really love the Fairy topiaries. Thank you so much for sharing your gorgeous pics. I can't wait to see these next month at Epcot!

  46. The fairy topiaries are gorgeous!! I wish I had the chance to actually see them in person.

  47. beautiful pictures! i can't wait for spring to finally be here!

  48. I love the flowers at Epcot. I wish I was going to this spring.

  49. Hope to someday visit during the festival. We will be visiting in December when it's cold here in the Midwest!

  50. Wow, these are wonderful photos and really help lift the doldrums of winter way up here,north of the border, LOL. Thanks for sharing them!!

  51. I love this exhibit. Such fun!

  52. I love these!!! we have not seen them in person yet (we usually go during the fall, but I can't wait too!!!

  53. Going to get to see some of these in May I caint. Never been during the flower festival!

  54. We were so happy to be able to see the Flower & Garden Festival last year!!! Can't wait to go back!!

  55. I cannot wait for the flower and garden festival!!! Beautiful pictures!!!

  56. I was just reading another blog entry on another site about the festival and would LOVE to be able to go during that time! It looks simply amazing! These are the first pictures I have seen of the fairies.

  57. Love the Flower and Garden Festival. It is so beautiful! My favorite topiary was Pluto with the parrots. It was gorgeous!

  58. I love these pics of the Flower and Garden Festival. I'll be taking my kids for the first time in May and can't wait for them to see the Pixie Dust Tree at Epcot! :)
