

Wordless Wednesday ~ The Letter "I"

Disney+Wordless+Wednesday+Blog+Hop Focused on the Magic

Welcome to The Disney Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop here at Focused on the where each week we gather with other Disney Bloggers to link up and share our Wordless Wednesday or Almost Wordless Wednesday Disney related picture posts.
There is a theme each week that you can follow if you wish. This week we're moving along through the alphabet focusing on alphabet letter inspired posts with the letter  "I" 

 Inspiring Innovative Imagineer

Intergalatic Imperialism

Click Here to follow me on Instagram. I'll follow back:)
Ice Cream Dessert at Le Cellier
Ice Cream Dessert at Le Cellier 

Italian servers singing the Italian Happy Birthday Song ♪

Ice Castle

Indiana Jones
Wilderness Lodge Ice Bucket 
Time to link up!
  • No linky posts allowed (it would take away from the other bloggers linked up here) and a direct URL to your post.
  • Please leave a comment below after you link up and tell me what you think of the theme, my picture and whatever else is on your mind this week! I love reading your comments!
  • Help spread the word in the Disney Facebook and Twitter online community about your post and the hop. The great success of this hop is because you spread the pixie dust with your efforts each week!       Thank you!

Focused On The Magic




  1. Great collection of "I" shots and some very unique ones. Love the Illuminations and the Ice Castle! Thanks for another set of beautiful pictures :)

  2. We have a few of the same I-deas for I shots this week! I wish I'd taken more shots of the castle in December. It was on my list, and before I knew it, our trip was over!! Guess I just have to go again during the holidays. ;)

  3. Great "I" pics!!! Love the icecream pic.....makes me want to get myself some now :)

  4. Gorgeous photos of Disney I moments. One day I hope to bring my son back to CA to experience Indiana Jones.

  5. It's my go to dessert at LeCellier :) The lime is sugar glazed - Yum!

  6. Like minds,lol. Now you have an excuse to go back and get all those missed shots;)

  7. Love all your shots, and thanks again for hosting! I do have a weakness for ice cream :)

  8. I love your pics! You came up with some good I words, especially "Intergalatic Imperialism" !

  9. Lol, Can't wait for Star Wars "Intergalactic Imperialism" Weekend! Can ya' tell?

  10. Deb, your first photo is my favorite!! I love them all, thank you for hosting!!

  11. Such great shots! I personally like the Italian happy birthday song one!

  12. These were a creative delight! But being a Star Wars fan from childhood... I'd have to say my most favoritest was "Intergalatic Imperialism"!!

    And that ice cream looks good... but how can you NOT get the Moose Mousse at Le Cellier?!? ;)

  13. Lol, I know but we get both and share;) Gotta have a Moose Mousse!!

  14. Ah, two of my favorites - Indy and "Intergalatic Imperialism"! This is a great group of "I"s!

  15. Sorry for being MIA lately. Family visitors and physical injuries have been keeping me pretty busy.

    I couldn't let the alphabet go on without me. ;o) You really have some fabulous examples of "I" in the World. Brava!!

  16. I love the picture of Walt a true Imagineer.. Great "I" shots Deb :-)
