

Wordless Wednesday ~ Disney Time Magic

Focused on the MagicWelcome to this week's edition of The Disney Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop here at Focused on the where each week we gather with other Disney Bloggers to link up and share our Disney Wordless Wednesday or Almost Wordless Wednesday Disney related picture posts.

There is a theme each week that you can follow if you wish. This week's theme is Disney Time

If you've been reading the Disney Blog or visiting the Disney site lately you'll have an idea of what we're talking about. If not click here.

On Disney Time, everything is magic and everyone is just about the same age. The memories that you create together live in your hearts forever. 

Time to link up...

Please keep in mind you don't have to post along with the theme, but your picture post does have to be Disney related. This is a Disney WW Blog Hop after all!
  • No linky posts allowed (it would take away from the other bloggers linked up here) and a direct URL to the post.
  • Please leave a comment below after you link up and tell me what you think of the theme, my picture and whatever else is on your mind this week! I love to read your comments!
  • Help spread the word in the Disney Facebook and Twitter online community about your post and the hop. The great success of this hop is because you spread the pixie dust with your efforts each week!       Thank you!

Focused On The Magic




  1. As always, Deb, I love your photography! Such a wonderful picture, and a terrific thought to go with it also! Thanks for hosting this, I love it!

  2. Perfect shot. I love how the castle is framed and you get a sense of the crowd in the foreground!

  3. Love this shot! It screaming anticipation for fireworks. You're so right about Disney Time making everyone the same age. I fell that way every time I go and see it through my kids' eyes.

  4. This photos really does capture the magical moments in time that you can experience at Disney. Thank you so much for the fun each week.

  5. Wonderful shot, love the feelings that come over you with the night time shows. I used them in my post as well. Thanks again for hosting!

  6. Gorgeous fireworks shot! Still haven't seen that show from in front of the castle, but that just gives me an excuse to go back again (as if I need one ;-))

  7. I love how the castle is framed within the fireworks- beautiful!

  8. What an amazing fireworks shot! One of my goals for 2013 is to improve my photography skills - I want to take pictures like that!! Happy New Year!!

  9. No better time than Disney time! Happy Wednesday, Deb. :o)

  10. Amazing shot of the castle! That definitely sums up Disney Time for me :)

  11. What a great shot of the fireworks! My photos of the fireworks never come out that good.

  12. Beautiful photo Deb! I am trying to improve my photography skill but fireworks are a tough one. You make it look easy.

  13. I wish I was on Disney time right now! :) Gorgeous photo.

  14. I LOVE this shot of wishes!! how I wish I could be there now! :)

  15. We were supposed to go in November but our trip keeps getting postponed :( I love all Disney fireworks....can't wait to finally get out there :)

  16. Beuatiful photo, as always, Deb! I just love Wishes!
