

Tiggerific Trivia ~ Partners Sharing the Magic

Today I'm joining in on the Tiggerific Tuesday Trivia Blog Hop. It's fun to share and learn a little bit of Disney trivia each week. If you are a Disney fan I'm sure you know this but I thought I'd share, just in case you missed it in all your Disney trivia reading.

The bronze Partners Statue of Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse is located in the hub of the Magic Kingdom and is one of the most popular photo spots in Disney World. I find it almost impossible to walk by day or night and not take a picture of it. 
It depicts Walt pointing down Main Street, USA. Some believe he's pointing to the future and others believe he's pointing to the the Sharing the Magic statue that is usually located in Town Square, depicting Roy O. Disney sitting with Minnie Mouse on a park bench. Both statues were expertly sculpted by veteran imagineer Blaine Gibson who was also an animator on many classic Disney films. 

Next time you're in the Magic Kingdom stop and take a closer look at some of the details. That is after you've taken a few pics. 
Upon closer inspection of his tie clasp you'll notice the letters STR. The letters STR represent The Smoke Tree Ranch, a development in Palm Springs, California, where Walt Disney had a vacation home.

This fun WDW trivia is republished from an article I wrote for the DisneyPhotosBlog.

Have a Tiggerific Day!
Focused on the Magic Deb
 Focused on the Magic Disney Tiggerific Trivia fun


  1. Great post Deb!! I love Disney trivia!!

  2. Thanks Donna! I do too♥ I can't get enough of it:)

  3. Very Cool! I'll look for the tie tack next trip! :)

  4. I love those statues! Roy gets moved around a bit sometimes, but we love to pose with him :)
