

Wordless Wednesday ~ Disney Letter "G"

Great Movie Ride

Greetings Guests and welcome to the latest edition of the The Disney Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop here at Focused on the where each week Disney Bloggers gather to blog hop, link up and share their Disney memories in pictures as Wordless Wednesday or Almost Wordless Wednesday Disney related picture posts.
The theme for this week's Disney Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop, 11/14/12 is
brought to you by the  Disney Letter "G"
So, fasten your cyber seatbelts, it's going to be a very Disney G force hop today;) 
DiVine dressed in greenery.
Very green dapper get up.
Green Witch will get you my pretty!
The Emerald City = Green? Yay or Nay?

Gentle Giraffes Grazing
Tinkerbell is resplendent in green.
Giggling Dolphins in green water.

Go Go Golfing

Grandest Grand Floridian

Guess Who

Giant Goofy  Hug
For more great Disney "G" inspired posts check out all the links today!
If this is your first time and you would like to link up your post please visit the Wordless Wednesday 411 Page for information on the hop.

Don't forget to share the DWW blog hop in tweets and *likes*!!

Focused On The Magic


Have a Pixie Dusted Day! 

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  1. Mary @ The World Is A Book7:27 PM

    What another great collection of G photos! You've got some beautiful shots! I like the play on words a lot too. I love that Goofy shot and the dolphins are just adorable.

  2. Becky @ Come Home to Disney11:32 PM

    Lots of fun G photos! Love the one of the giraffes :)

  3. TheAngelForever7:54 AM

    Amazing photos as always. The gorilla one reminds me that I still need to write up the story with the gorillas from a trip my parents took. I almost included a very similar Grand Floridian photo. Thank you for the weekly fun!

  4. Thanks so much! I love photographing the AK gorillas, they always amaze me! The Grand Floridian is so beautiful, especially this time of year!

  5. That picture was taken on the Kilimanjaro safari. They just looked so nonchalant eating away.

  6. Thanks Mary! The dolphins were putting on quite a show with their trainer. I could watch them for hours!

  7. Wow so many G's all I can say is Great Glorious shots!!!

  8. @disneygals9:43 AM

    Your pictures are so much fun! Especially the one of DeVine-loved them all! THanks!

  9. Awesome photos! I love the photo of the dolphins. :)

  10. Thanks! Isn't DiVine gorgeous all wrapped up her greenery?

  11. Thanks Melissa! Welcome back, hope you had a magical trip! I couldn't get enough of the giggling dolphins, they crack me up!

  12. MouseFanDiane10:25 AM

    Great pics Deb, I love the Big Goofy Hug.. Makes me smile and go on the cruise ;-)

  13. Gee, that's a lot of G!!! ;) Great shots as always, Deb! Btw, the site revisions are wonderful!

  14. Great pics Deb! I especially love the gorilla. He is gorgeous!

  15. After a trip to WDW, Hurricane Sandy and a nor'easter - we are back online and participating!!!

    Enjoyed all your "G's" - they're all fun!!!

  16. Good going, Girlfriend! Great grouping. ;o)

  17. I love all the G's! I couldn't think of hardly any! Great shots!
