

Guest Star Day ~ A Disney Mom's Thoughts

Welcome to another edition of Guest Star Day! Some of you have asked why I post Guest Star Day on a Friday here at Focused on the Magic and not on Tuesday, the established day for the Mickey Mouse Club TV Show. That's a good question. Tuesday on this blog is happily reserved each week for Tiggerific Trivia where we participate with Jodi of Magical Mouse Schoolhouse in a Disney trivia blog hop. Stop by sometime, it's a lot of fun and you might learn something too.Our Guest Star Day is a spin on the MMC TV show . We have a guest, we have a star, it's all about Disney but that's about all we have in common. Oh, one other difference, our stars are not professional entertainers, at least none so far, but real life stars as bloggers, moms, dads, authors and artists who share a love of all things Disney. 
Today our guest star is my dear Disney friend, wife and super mom to 3 boys, Youth Minister, Beth creator of A Disney Mom's Thoughts
So, get comfy grab a cup of something warm (it's cold here in the northeast Internet;) while you get to know my friend Beth.
Focused on the Magic Guest Star Day

Welcome! Thank you Beth for joining us today and taking time away from your young family and busy work schedule to share a little bit about yourself and your blog as our Guest Star today.

*Let's hear a big round of cyber applause for Beth
Guest Star Day, Focused on the Magic

Where did your love of Disney come from?
My parents.  My dad grew up with the plan to be an animator for Walt Disney.  We always watched Disney cartoons and I would watch my dad draw things all the time.  We took our first trip to WDW in 1983.  I loved it!  Growing up, between trips we would watch The Wonderful World of Disney,  The Disney Channel and Disney movies.  I loved them all.  When I was graduating college in 1996, my parents said I could choose the destination for our family vacation… I chose WaltDisney World!  This was the first time we stayed on property and I fell that much more in love.  Before my ’96 trip, I had been 3 times.  Since graduation, 16 years ago, I’ve been 16 times!  While that averages once a year, it hasn’t always been the case.

Why did you start your Disney fan blog?
 I started my Disney blog for multiple reasons.  1) I was tired of “stalking” other Disney blogs since I felt I could do one of my own.  2) I wanted a place to keep my memories alive.  3) I wanted to attend the Social Media Mom’s Conference and knew I needed to have a presence in Social Media to attend!

What is your favorite park attraction and why?
I have lots of favorites, but for some reason I always go back to the Peoplemover in the Magic Kingdom!  I love this ride.  Everyone in my family can ride it no matter the age.  It’s relaxing.  It has ties to Walt himself.  And I love the line, “Mr. Morrow?  Paging Mr. Tom Morrow!”

What’s your favorite park?
That has changed over the years, but currently it’s Magic Kingdom.  Again, everyone in my family can enjoy this park and not get “bored!”  Plus, it was Walt’s original dream for the “Florida Project!”

What’s in your Disney camera bag? What do you shoot with?
Wow, that’s a fun question.  What’s in my bag or what do I really know how to use?!  I have a Cannon EOS Rebel XTi camera with a 28-135 ultrasonic image stabilizer lens.  I also carry a Canon PowerShot SD1100 IS point and shoot that is always in my pocket!

What’s your favorite photo spot?
I love the park icons and photos with characters!  I also love any shot my boys are in! J

Are you a park early bird or a night owl?
Both.  While I’m at WDW, I hardly sleep.  I want to be there for the rope drop AND the goodnight kiss!  We usually go back to the room for an afternoon nap, or at least a rest, so we can keep going.

What is your favorite Disney dining location?
Hands down is Le Cellier!  I’ve only eaten there once and that was in February of this year.  My husband and I both loved it and can’t wait to go back.  It will probably be a standard dining reservation from now on.

Dole Whip or Mickey Bar?
Mickey Bar.  I’m not a fan of the Dole Whip.  I’m a chocoholic!

Who is your favorite Disney face character and fur character?
Face character is a couple- Princess Tiana and Prince Naveen.  They are HILARIOUS!  My favorite fur character is Goofy… but you gotta love Mickey Mouse too!

What is your favorite resort on property?
The Boardwalk is my favorite that I’ve actually stayed in, but the Polynesian is my favorite that I will stay in at some point.  Plus ‘Ohana is also top on my list of restaurants!

If you could work for the Walt Disney Company, what would be your dream job?
If I were to be a character, I would want to be Belle in the Magic Kingdom.  I’d also like to be the one responsible for the Mom’s Panel group!

Do you collect anything Disney, and if so, what?
Pins, Christmas ornaments, sweatshirts, hotel shampoo and pressed pennies!

What is your favorite Disney park memory?
The day before my husband and I ran the half marathon in 2008, we spent the entire day at Magic Kingdom enjoying the day.  There was no plan, no dining reservations and no kids.

What is your favorite Disney movie?
I love The Little Mermaid, Mulan and Beauty and the Beast.   I like the 90’s princesses the best!

What’s your favorite Disney song?
Right now it’s “SIMP Squirrels in my Pants” from Phenias and Ferb!

What is your favorite Disney book?
I have to admit I’m not a reader.  But, I do enjoy a good Birnbaum guidebook!  I also love The Hidden Magic of Walt Disney World by Susan Veness.

If you could ask Walt Disney one question, what would it be?
What are your thoughts about what “Disney” is doing and where they are today?

Do you have a special talent (play an instrument, cook, garden, scrapbook, paint..) you would like to share with us?
I have no outward talents!  I dabble in lots of things, but am not talented in any!  Crafts, cooking, photography, singing, theatre...  I am really good at playing with my boys! J
A Disney Mom's Thoughts

Let’s hear about your blog. Do you have a niche or specialty?
My specialty is rambling about Disney!  I try to blog from a mother’s perspective (which is good since I’m a mom!) and offer tips and ideas about traveling to WDW with your family.  Then there’s a lot of rambling too!

What is it that inspires you to write about Disney?
 The friends I’ve made on the Internet who love Disney as much as I do!  My boys also inspire me.  I want to learn as much as I can about Disney so I can pass the love on to them.

Would you like to share a link, an excerpt from your favorite blog post, book, quote with us today?
First, I can’t believe I’m actually sharing this (again!).  While it’s not thought provoking, educational or even appropriate, it’s funny and I feel it’s too good not to share!

Beth Green, mother to three boys, is the author of “A Disney Mom’s Thoughts’ where she shares her thoughts, stories, tips and ideas about Disney!

Visit Beth at A Disney Mom's Thoughts

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  1. How fun to get to know Beth a little better today! Thanks so much for featuring her!

  2. DisneyDonnaKay8:34 AM

    Another great interview Deb & Beth!! I absolutely love Beth & A Disney Mom's Thoughts!!

  3. Thanks DonnaKay! We love you too! :)

  4. Very interesting to learn where Beth's love of Disney came from. It's going to be cool to see all the different answers to this question each week.
