

Disney Fans today is a "Day of Giving"

We're back with power and blogging about an important message -"Day of Giving".

The Disney/ABC Television Group, which will donate $2 million to those severely impacted by Hurricane Sandy, has designated today, Monday, November 5 as a "Day of Giving" across network and syndicated programming spanning news, daytime, prime time and late night, encouraging viewers to help those impacted by Hurricane Sandy.

The response needed to those affected by Sandy is very costly! Victims really need your help now.

Here's how you can help:

Text to Give: Text ABC to 90999 to give $10 to the American Red Cross

Phone: 1-800-HELP-NOW(435-7669)

Online: Go directly to the Red Cross Donation page.

The Red Cross has deployed 12 mobile kitchens capable of making 198,000 meals a day and shipped more than 334,000 shelf-stable meals to the area served nearly 164,000 meals so far activated more than 230 response vehicles, more than two-thirds of the entire Red Cross fleet, which are beginning to distribute meals, water and snacks in some areas mobilized more than 3,300 disaster workers from all over the country deployed 50 trailers of relief supplies such as clean-up kits, rakes, shovels, tarps, dust masks and work gloves. We have more help on the way. As roads and airports re-open and people are able to travel again, more workers, vehicles and relief supplies will be arriving. We are working hard to get help to where it is needed, but access into many areas is still difficult. We will expand our reach into more communities as soon as officials say it is safe.----

Another great way to help:

From what I heard on my little battery operated radio from eye witnesses, was that The Salvation Army was the first organization on the scene in the hard hit areas of Hurricane Sandy to give blankets, water, clothes, comfort and prayers. While others were absent or passing out cocoa and cookies. 
Hurricane Sandy – one of the largest storms the Caribbean and the east coast of the USA has ever experienced – was still causing devastating damage, Salvation Army emergency teams were already providing relief. Initially shelter, food, water and counselling were the main forms of assistance provided and this has continued.------Serving during a powercut in Manhattan------
 New York city officials, from the Office of Emergency Management, have appointed The Salvation Army as the lead agency for the city’s food access plan which coordinates feeding programmes at city shelters. This includes serving meals to 1,000 people at Seward High School in lower Manhattan for the next few days.
Elsewhere in New York the Army has provided food and shelter assistance at two locations in Albany and on Long Island. The Salvation Army is also assisting the American Red Cross with distribution of supplies to eight shelters.
In New Jersey The Salvation Army is serving meals, snacks and drinks to hundreds of evacuees at 11 shelters in five counties. This emergency work is not without danger. At a shelter in Union Beach, a Salvation Army canteen and a volunteer vehicle were flooded when waters rose unexpectedly. Despite the loss of these vehicles volunteers continued to serve meals to both displaced residents and other emergency workers. A Salvation Army canteen is working with the New Jersey state official search and rescue team.
An innovative relief program is operating at Montclair where The Salvation Army has organized a ‘charging’ centre for people who need to charge their phones, computers or other electronic devices.
Meals are being provided to people in 15 shelters in Pennsylvania and Connecticut and The Salvation Army is also running shelter and feeding programmes throughout parts of western Maryland and West Virginia where more than two feet of snow has left thousands without power in frigid temperatures.
Relief teams are active in north east Ohio, New Hampshire, North Carolina and Virginia, serving within shelters and from mobile canteens. ‘It’s clear that Hurricane Sandy was, and continues to be, a major storm impacting millions of people,’ said Major George Hood, National Community Relations Secretary for The Salvation Army in the United States. ‘Residents of the impacted areas can rest assured that The Salvation Army will be with them for the long-haul – providing practical, physical and spiritual support at the areas of greatest need.
To donate to the Salvation Army Click on the button below 


  1. Disney Girl9:45 PM

    Deb, Good to see you back blogging. You were missed! Hope you are well! I posted a link on my blog about your day of giving post. Take care!

  2. Thank you so much Brenda for sharing this post! What a week! It is so good to be back with full power! I missed you all♥
