

Guest Star Day

It's Friday and a great day to spend time with friends. Grab a cuppa and get comfy while we chat Heidi our Guest Star today and star everyday as a busy wife, homeschooling mom and business owner, my friend Heidi from (What's Going on in) Heidi's Head. 

*Let's hear a big round of applause for Heidi

Welcome! Thanks so much for taking the time from your busy schedule to visit with us today, Heidi. In case anyone missed it in the introduction, what's the name of your blog?  
I blog at (What's Going on in) Heidi's Head

Where did your love of Disney come from? 
I was almost 18 when my family first visited Walt Disney World.  My parents gave me a Birnbaum's Guide, which I studied continuously.  That's when my Disney obsession started and it just continues to grow!

Why did you start your Disney fan blog? 
My blog is a hodge-podge of all my thoughts; so it includes my passion for Disney, as well as other things - like my family, our homeschool journey, adoption, and many other things.  I started blogging because I have never been any good at keeping up with a journal, but felt it important to get my thoughts out SOMEWHERE.  Over the years, my blog has evolved - I guess as I change!

What is your favorite park attraction and why? 
This is always such a hard question to answer.  I once blogged my Top 10 Favorites, and even that was hard to narrow down!

What’s your favorite park?  
Epcot.  I could spend days and days just browsing World Showcase and still not see all that there is to see. 

What’s in your Disney camera bag? What do you shoot with? 
I'm no professional photographer (maybe some day when I have more time on my hands, I'll buy a better camera and take some classes).  For now, I take my pictures using a Canon PowerShot SX130IS.  It's got 12.1 megapixels and a 12x optical zoom; so, for a point and shoot, it's not too shabby.

What’s your favorite photo spot? 
I always love getting a Photopass photo of our whole family in front of each park icon.  However, my absolute favorite photo spot is with Cinderella's Castle in the background, taken from the little offset of the walkway toward Tomorrowland.  We always love the pictures we get taken in that spot!

Are you a park early bird or a night owl?  
Lately, early bird.  I used to be more of a night owl. 

What is your favorite Disney food? 
On our last trip, we finally ate at Le Cellier; and, despite the fact that my ears were closed up and I could barely taste, that mushroom filet was delicious! 

Who is your favorite Disney face character and fur character? 
We love the characters; so, again, this is hard to narrow down.  We always love the princesses; but I think my personal favorite face character is probably the Fairy Godmother (I think I could BE her!)  And as for fur characters, it's gotta be Mickey & Minnie! 

What is your favorite resort on property? 
So far, our favorite to stay in has been Port Orleans Riverside.  It's so beautiful there and we've always had great experiences.  I dream of one day staying at the Polynesian though!  And I love Coronado Springs also.

If you could work for the Walt Disney Company, what would be your dream job?
I just mentioned above that I'd enjoy playing the Fairy Godmother.  I think I'd also enjoying working in one of the shops - you would have opportunity to meet and interact with so many people!  I think it would also be fun to do something more behind the scenes, such as Disney Research or something.

Do you collect anything Disney, and if so, what? 
My kids all collect pins and I have a start on a personal collection that I earned from graduating from the College of Disney Knowledge.  We collect a LOT of Disney drink ware - mugs, cups, glasses, etc. 

What is your favorite Disney park memory? 
The first time I took MY family to Walt Disney World - it was my husband's first trip (my 3rd).  Ashley was 5 and it was so much fun to see Disney through the eyes of a child!  Her little face just lit up.  I'll never forget it!

What is your favorite Disney movie? 
There are so many great Disney movies!  I'm not a huge animation fan, so I'd probably pick a live-action film - maybe Princess Diaries.

What is your favorite Disney book?
I have a lot of great Disney books in my library (I'm a book addict), so there's no way to narrow this down to just one. 

If you could ask Walt Disney one question, what would it be? 
Does Walt Disney World live up to your expectations?

What is it that inspires you to write about Disney? 
Disney is my "happy place".  When I'm there, I don't have a care in the world, and I feel like a kid again.  I want others to see that a trip to Walt Disney World is possible (and even affordable).  I want to share my love for this special place in the hopes that others will one day be able to experience what I have experienced there. 

I'm a stay-at-home, work-at-home, homeschooling mom.  I live in central PA with my husband of 20 years and our 3 children.  In addition to my personal blog, I co-own a blog for homeschoolers.  I'd love for you to visit me at any of the following places:

My personal blog -
Homeschool Mosaics -
Facebook -
Twitter -!/HeidiSays

* Big round of applause!!

I hope you enjoyed our visit with Heidi today and you'll stop back for our next Guest Star Day where we'll spend Friday with friends.
We'd like to get to know your Disney friends too. Do you have a post from your blog that you've written about a Disney friend you'd like to share in the linky below?

Thanks for stopping by Focused on the
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  1. Thanks so much for featuring me today, Deb! This is so much fun!

  2. Great interview! It's nice getting to know you better, Heidi. I love the question you'd ask Walt. I'd like to hear that answer too.

  3. DisneyDonnaKay9:52 AM

    Great interview Deb & Heidi!! Love getting to know all of my Disney blogging friends better!!

  4. Thank you Heidi for sharing yourself with us today! I'm looking forward to your new Friendship series!!

  5. Thanks for stopping by Jodi. I would love to hear Walt's answer to that question too. Makes you wonder...

  6. Thanks Donna! It was so much fun for me. Heidi is a wonderful person! Many thanks to you. It was your super series that inspired Guest Star Day.

  7. DisneyDonnaKay10:25 AM

    Thanks Deb!! There are times I really miss Mentoring Mondays, especially the wonderful Disney people who were kind enough to let me interview them - like you!!

  8. MouseFanDiane4:02 PM

    Awesome interview Deb, I love the new button for it. And it was great getting to know more about you Heidi ;-) I love collecting pins tooo

  9. great interview! and I love this series!! inspiring.

  10. Great way to kick off this very cool series, Deb. Love learning more about Heidi and look forward to meeting more Disney bloggers here.
