

Guest Star Day

It's a fabulous fall Friday and a perfect time to spend with friends. Grab a cuppa and get comfy while we chat with my dear Disney blogging friend, fellow Magical Blogorail member and scrapbooking extraordinaire, Mary from Capturing Magical Memories. 
Focused on the Magic Guest Star Day

Welcome! Thank you Mary for joining us today and taking time away from your busy schedule to share a little bit about yourself and your blog as our Guest Star today.

*Let's hear a big round of applause for Mary
Focused on the Magic Guest Star Day ~ Capturing Magical Memories

1.    Where did your love of Disney come from?
o   I don't really remember a time of not loving Disney.  I think it all began because I was told that I was a “living souvenir” of my parent's first trip to Disney World in 1972.  So I always felt I had that special tie to the place and it just keeps growing every year.

2.    Why did you start your Disney fan blog?
o   My Disney fan blog found me.  I started writing about scrapbooking and capturing your memories in albums.  This quickly turned to sharing my Disney memories and my blog was born.

3.    What is your favorite park attraction and why?
o   I would have to say Space Mountain is my favorite.  Just because it brings back many memories of going on this ride with my family growing up.  We always made my sister sit in the front and she would scream the entire time while I would laugh at her from the back seat. Now when I ride I always want to be in the front and I still laugh all the way through.

4.    What’s your favorite park?
o   I am one of the few that will say that Animal Kingdom is their favorite park (for now).  I love the theming there and I could spend all day just roaming the park and looking at all the details.  It is a photographer's dream!

5.    What’s in your Disney camera bag? What do you shoot with?
o   I shoot with a Canon Rebel T2i right now as I have just taken back up photography.  I also carry 4 lens.  I am not technical so here they are in camera for dummies terms: regular lens, telephoto lens, lens for dark rides, and a super wide angle lens.

6.    What’s your favorite photo spot?
o   Hands down Animal Kingdom.  Kilimanjaro Safaris is one of my favorites.  The pictures are always different each time you ride.

7.    Tripod or not?
o   No tripod.  I rely on the 4 legged tripod (trash cans).

8.    Favorite time to shoot? Day or night?
o   Morning when the parks are just opening.  The light is usually beautiful and people leave you alone at that time because they are in a hurry to the first ride.

9.    Are you a park early bird or a night owl?
o   Early bird.  I always want to be a night owl but I can't ever seem to make it.

10. What is your favorite Disney snack food?
o   The warm nuts in Magic Kingdom near the Dole Whip stand.

11. Who is your favorite Disney face character and fur character?
o   Donald Duck is my all time favorite!  It might border on an obsession.  I just always find that he is a great character to ham it up with.  And Snow White would be my favorite face character.

12. What is your favorite resort on property?
o   Animal Kingdom Villas (starting to see a theme).  I could spend hours just sitting on the porch and watching the animals.

13. If you could work for the Walt Disney Company, what would be your dream job?
o   I would love to be in the Operations Group.  I am always impressed by their protocols for everything.  How quickly they can adjust to any given situation.  I would love to be a part of that.

14. Do you collect anything Disney, and if so, what?
o   Until they were retired I did collect the It's A Small World ornaments for our Christmas Tree.  Now I just collect our annual Disney family portrait.

15. What is your favorite Disney park memory?
o   Being proposed to in the rose garden in front of Cinderella's Castle right before Wishes.  We had the feeling of being alone but when I said yes the crowd from the bridge cheered.  It was quite special.

16. What is your favorite Disney movie?
o   That's a hard one because right now I am watching all Pixar movies with my son.  Out of his movies I would have to say Monster's Inc. I can't wait for that one to come out in 3D.

17. If you could ask Walt Disney one question, what would it be?
o   I would love to ask him if Disney has lived up to and/or exceeded his expectations?  Did it go wrong anywhere?

18. Let’s hear about your blog. I am in awe of your digi scrapping talents. How do you decide what to feature on your blog?
o   Lol! There is no magic here.  It literally is whatever I am thinking about that day.  I do like using Magical Blogorail or Wordless Wednesday topics for inspiration though. 

19. What is it that inspires you to scrap each page?
o   Memories! I want to preserve everything.  I want my sons to see how they grew up, what they accomplished, and how much they were loved.  And I want my great-grandchildren to someday look through these albums and get to know me even though I may not be there. 


Mary is a wife and working mom of two boys, scrapbooking business owner and busy blogger living in Texas with a passion for all things Disney! Stop by and visit her at any of the following places:

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  1. Wow! I loved getting to know more about Mary today! And I'm impressed that she loves Animal Kingdom so much. In our past few trips, I've developed a new appreciation for that park too. Now, I know that if we ever get to go on a girls' only weekend, we can spend a full, leisurely day there! Yay!

  2. Oh yes, Animal Kingdom safari would be tops on the list! I found out that we both share a love of Donald and Monsters Inc:)

  3. DisneyDonnaKay10:22 AM

    Great interview Deb & Mary!! It's so much fun getting to know everyone a little better. :)

  4. Thanks Donna for kind words and for stopping by!
