

Almost Wordless Wednesday ~ Disney Storytelling

Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop hosted by Focused on the
Welcome to The Disney Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop here at Focused on the where each week Disney Bloggers gather to blog hop, link up and share their Disney Wordless Wednesday or Almost Wordless Wednesday Disney related picture posts.

It's a fun blog hop for sharing your Disney memories and pictures. There's a theme each week that you can follow if you wish. Facebook pictures, Twitter, Tumblr, RedditFlickr or video posts are all welcome. You can even email your pictures and I will be happy to add them to this page. 

The theme for this week's Disney Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop, 10/17/12 is

"Disney Storytelling"

The incredible talents of Disney Storytelling can be found in Disney books, movies and throughout the Disney parks. When concepts are first developed the Imagineers start with the storyline and build from there in multi layers taking us on a journey. Not all the stories are complex or require stage shows.  While I was strolling through Animal Kingdom recently I couldn't help but look up and notice this fabulously creative sign for The Festival of the Lion King Show. Not only does it tell a funny story but it's functional too as a times guide.
Festival of The Lion King, Animal Kingdom, Focused on the Magic
I just love seeing the stories in the parks from the shows to the signs almost as much as I do reading them at home or watching them in the movies.

Time to hop...

You don't have to post along with the theme, but your picture post does have to be Disney related. This is a Disney WW Blog Hop after all!
  • The Disney Wordless Wednesday 411 page has been set up to answer your questions. It is also where you will find a list of upcoming themes. If you still have questions feel free to email me.
  • No linky posts are allowed (it would take away from the other bloggers linked up here) and only add a direct URL to the post.
  • I love to read your comments! Please leave a comment below after you link up and tell me what you think of the theme, my picture and whatever else is on your mind this week! 
  • Help spread the word in the Disney Facebook and Twitter online community about your post and the hop. The great success of this hop is because you spread the pixie dust with your efforts each week!       Thank you!
Disney Worldess Wednesday Blog hosted by Focused On The Magic


Have a Pixie Dusted Day.

Thanks for stopping by Focused on the
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  1. Mary @ The World Is A Book8:03 PM

    What a great and fun sign! Disney has truly perfected telling stories beyond its movies and books and displaying them throughout the parks. Thanks for hosting and for another great theme this week.

  2. MouseFanDiane9:31 PM

    I love this sign Deb, It is one of my all time Favorite shows. You sing and dance along to this show

  3. Lisa from Gone With The Family9:31 PM

    What a great pic - I have never noticed it before but I'll definitely be on the look out now! Thanks for hosting Disney Wordless Wednesday!!

  4. I love that sign, Debra, I don't think I ever saw it before, is it new?

  5. Tricia From Return to Disney6:53 AM

    Storyteling is definitely one of those things that sets Disney apart from any other vacation spot!

  6. TheAngelForever7:34 AM

    Love the small details that always add to the story during a visit at Disney. Thank you again for the fun each week :)

  7. Grisel Rey8:03 AM

    I love all the storytelling at Walt Disney World as well as the books & movies, my daughter loves it all!

  8. Great sign and great show as well. Hope Avatar Land doesn't take it away from us!!

  9. I love the theme this week! That is also one of my favorite signs :)

  10. That is definitely a great sign! I love all the small details that many people miss. It just makes the story so much better.

  11. DIStherapy12:09 PM

    What a perfect topic Deb- as your photos show, no one does storytelling like Disney!

  12. Love the sign, but then again i love anything to do with the Lion King. Thanks for hosting again this week Deb.

  13. Oh wow! We think alike so often, Deb. I have family visiting from Illinois this week and my oldest son has FCATs so I didn't get my post up this week. I was going to use FotLK photos though. How's that for storytelling?

    VERY nice shot of the fire dancer!!! Yummy. ;o)

  14. Love that sign! Wow! Thanks for hosting :]
