

Wordless Wednesday ~ " E "

Welcome to the latest edition of the The Disney Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop here at Focused on the where each week Disney Bloggers gather to blog hop, link up and share their Disney Wordless Wednesday or Almost Wordless Wednesday Disney related picture posts.

It's a fun blog hop for sharing your Disney memories and pictures. There's a theme each week that you can follow if you wish. Facebook pictures, Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, Flickr or video posts are all welcome. You can even email your pictures and I will be happy to add them to this page. 

The theme for this week's Disney Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop, 9/26/12 is

brought to you by the  Disney Letter "E"


 Excellent Entree at Le Cellier!

Enlisted Extras

Extravagant Entrance

Entertaining Exit

Expeditious Elevator

Exceptional Elephant Ears

Environmental Prototype Community Of Tomorrow

Everyday Evil
Elongated Necked Egret
Exactly where I want to be at the end of an exhausting day
Expedition Everest's unbelievable Elevation


Focused on the Magic

Time to link up...

I'm in Disney!! Depending on when you see this, I may be in the air and on my way or at the resort. Touch down is 1:00PM EST. For the next week I'll be posting from Disney World. I've never blogged from Disney before. When we go on vacation as a family I remain incommunicado for the entire trip. I don't text, chat or anything. Since half of the family is back in NJ and it's just DS, Peter and myself enjoying Epcot30 and the Food & Wine Festival, I thought I'd give Disney blogging a try. We'll see how that works out;)

Please read before you link up today:

You may want to wait a Minnie minute before you link up. Whomever links up first is the designated "line leader" for the day;) The "line leaders" job is to contact me if they see the rules of the hop aren't being observed or there are glitches in the linky system. 
Please email me, Deb at if you observe any problems. I'll make every effort to fix them right away. 
My iphone 4s does everything but let me put in Captha codes. If you don't hear from me in your comments, it's not because I don't ♥ you. I will visit each pixie dusted post:)

Please keep in mind you don't have to post along with the theme, but your picture post does have to be Disney related. This is a Disney WW Blog Hop after all!
  • Themes: Next week is your "October Calendar Shot".
  • No linky posts allowed (it would take away from the other bloggers linked up here) and a direct URL to the post.
  • Please leave a comment below after you link up and tell me what you think of the theme, my picture and whatever else is on your mind this week! I love to read your comments!
  • Help spread the word in the Disney Facebook and Twitter online community about your post and the hop. The great success of this hop is because you spread the pixie dust with your efforts each week!       Thank you!

Focused On The Magic


Have a Pixie Dusted Day! 

Thanks for stopping by Focused on the
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  1. DisneyKatrina7:30 PM

    Look at all your Es!! I hope you are having a fabulous time - and I'll be headed there myself tomorrow - hope to run into you at some point :-)

  2. MouseFanDiane8:59 PM

    Awesome Exceptional E's ~ Love them all ;-)

  3. Your collection of E's is truly impressive!

  4. Excellent E list from your magical moments. Wishing you an amazing stay in the week ahead :)

  5. Wow, those are some Epic E's! Love the black and white of the Tower - perfectly sets the mood. Great pics as always, Deb! Thanks for another fun topic this week.

  6. Bstar03061:32 AM

    This is my first time linking up! It was fun! I thought this was going to be SUPER hard but I had a lot more E photos than I thought!!

  7. DisneyonWheels9:05 AM

    I love the eek photo! :)

  8. Deb, what a great collection of Es! Have a wonderful time in WDW! I will be looking forward to your trip reports! :-)

  9. TheAngelForever9:18 AM

    Looks like my comment vanished that I left with my phone. Excellent group of E items from all around the Disney World. Have an extra magical week :)

  10. Fabulous E's, Deb! I enjoyed that entree at LeCellier just a couple weeks ago - yum!

  11. Love your E's! What a great Wordless Wednesday theme. The black and white photo of Tower of Terror is also Exciting and Eerie!

  12. Deb, what a super collection of E's! Very Extraordinary

  13. I love your "E" pics....awesome!!

  14. Taj MuttHall/Ellen10:23 PM

    Creative use of Es!
    I didn't check the theme ahead of time; I'm just slowly trying to catch up on the 1400 photos I took 2 weeks ago at Dland resort.

  15. Mary @ The World Is A Book1:16 AM

    Another fabulous collection of pictures! I love that Epcot shot and your play on words. Have a wonderful time at WDW and looking forward to seeing all your pictures!
