

My Refurbishment Wish List

One of the many things that keeps me coming back to Disney for the past 20+ years is that the parks and resorts are always being freshened up with a coat of paint 
to maintain Walt Disney's very high standards or being re-imagineered to stay ahead of the times.
When I'm in Disney I focus on the positive (magic) experiences and try to overlook the negatives. There are times that even my rose colored glasses can't hide those things that need a bit of refurbishment. 

►Carousel of Progress debuted at the New York World's Fair in 1964 which was where I first experienced it as a 14 year old. I think that's why it's always been one of my favorite attractions in Disney World. I've brought my children to see Carousel of Progress many times over the years and they've enjoyed it as well. It's wonderful to relive those happy memories over and over, but it's time for a refurbishment. I'm not suggesting a tear down but at least take care of the squeaky turn table stage, reupholster the seats and replace the carpeting. Oh and maybe while they're in there they could add a new vignette.

►The Imagination Pavilion formerly known as The Journey Into Imagination Pavilion is also in need of a refurbishment. There's a whole floor of unused space that's sitting in disrepair. During the early 90's my kids loved making movies and experimenting along with all the other kids with the latest technology. As a photographer I enjoyed the Kodak part of the experience. Captain EO really needs to go. The comeback show is fun and campy. I enjoyed seeing it again with my kids but the technology is dated and the storyline was always convoluted. 

There's good news for the Imagination Pavilion. Rumor has it that there will be a new sponsor, ColorVision to bring a spark of imagination back into the pavilion. Dr. Nigel Channing and his Imagination Institute can finally retire. Just leave Figment alone, please!

Is there an attraction that you think needs a refurbishment? Leave it in the comments below, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Have a magical day,


  1. Would love to see the Imagination Pavilion returned to its former glory!

  2. I'd be very happy with that. Maybe a geared up photo shop too;)

  3. Ah, yes... I'm sensing a re-occurring theme here! Maybe the voices that be will hear us, and we'll get to see a rejuvenated Imagination Pavilion after all - yaaaay!!! ;)

  4. TOSHeidi7:39 AM

    Amen on the Imagination Pavilion!
