

30 Days to 30 Years ~ Epcot, 1991!

I am so honored today to be part of the series, 30 Days to 30 Years hosted by Beth of Pursuing the Magic and Didi of DIStherapy! Every day for 30 days leading up to the 30th Anniversary of Epcot one person shares their personal Epcot experiences in a post. I will be discussing and sharing my experiences for the year 1991. To read all about it click on the button to head on over!

We'll be visiting Epcot for it's 30th birthday. Will you? I'd love to hear about your plans and your birthday wishes for Epcot in the comments section below!

1 comment:

  1. Distherapy3:07 PM

    Deb, We are so honored that you wrote for 30 Days to 30 Years. I loved your vintage photos and tales of the daytime water show! Thank you so much again.
