

Merry Musical Christmas from our family

Today I'm sending out my Christmas musical message and since I haven't sent you a card, please consider this your very own Christmas video card;) 

Just a little background on the video. Our family loves all kinds of music! Each Christmas for years our family has gotten together to carole and play music of the season. From young to old, everyone participates in their own way. 
In this video are a few of my family favorites from our collection. My MIL is the soloist (with a little help from me) on "O' Holy Night". My husband, Paul is the male vocalist on the "Christmas Song". He's also the musician and recording artist. His talents are amazing and we've gotta love multi-tracking for letting him put it all together:)
You may recognize the holiday pictures from the Disney Candlelight Processional, Holiday Illuminations, Osborne Lights and holiday scenes in Disney World.
I hope you enjoy our very merry musical Christmas. 


Thanks for stopping by.  


  1. That was just wonderful! Your husband has a GREAT voice!

  2. Thanks Heidi, I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I've had this video making program for a year and I never tried it till now. He is so amazingly talented. I still swoon when he sings ...even after all these years!  

  3. Brava, Deb! Very nice. Happiest of holidays...merry magical Christmas to you and yours!

  4. Yay, thank you! You were my inspiration for making this video! I loved your Christmas card video. Your pictures and music combo is so well done!  It got me in the spirit to try one. Happy Holidays!!

  5. Distherapy11:55 AM

    Oh my goodness- professionals!  Thank you for sharing this most beautiful, personal and inspirational Christmas video message with us!!

  6. That is fantastic!!!  I'm so impressed.  Very, very beautiful way for me to end this wonderful holiday weekend!! :) Thanks Deb!

  7. I'm so glad you enjoyed our music! We had a great time creating it...well, maybe not me hitting those high notes, lol!

  8. Ah, thanks Beth! It has been a wonderful holiday!!

  9. Manda4:53 AM

    Wow! That was awesome! Thank you so much for sharing Debs! :D

  10. Loved the video! Thanks so much for sharing. It was all beautiful...voices, pictures, all of it.
