

Disney Thanksgiving Meme

While we are all busy preparing for the big feast and for family and friends to gather, a fun Disney Thanksgiving meme just might be the answer for both bloggers and readers.

This is based on a word game our family plays on Thanksgiving. Someone picks a word that's related to Thanksgiving. Going around the table each person says what they are thankful for using the letters in the word chosen.

Here, I'm putting a Disney spin on the words for each letter with pictures.
You can use a different Thanksgiving word in your post if you'd like just keep the answers in a  Disney style. A few words that come to mind: Thankful, Turkey, Pie, Food, Family, Feast, Faith, get the idea.


T- Tiggerific Thanksgiving Together

H - Hooray for Hollywood with Honey Darling

 A - Apple Pie

N- Nala
K- Kingdom

S- Soon Santa is coming to town

G  - Grand Floridian
I - Innovative Inspirational Imagineer 

V- D' Vine Voices

I -  Illuminations

N - Via Napoli

G - Gepetto 
Link up your post below and leave a comment. I love to hear from my Disney friends!

Thanks for stopping by. Happy Thanksgiving! 


  1. Absolutely beautiful photos!!!

    I am thankful for Disney blogging friends like you. You enrich my world...and make me feel like it's not really abnormal at all, to be so obsessed with a Mouse and his theme parks. Bless you. Sincerely.

  2. Clever and fun :)  Once again, thanks for sharing some of your fantastic WDW shots!

  3. Aw,Thank You!  I'm so thankful for you too:-) You are such a beautiful Disney spirit!!

  4. You are so very welcome and thank you for your kind words:-) 

  5. MouseFanDiane6:14 PM

    Awesome pics Deb, I love this idea. I linked up too and mine is all about PIE ;-)

  6. Yay! I love Pie for Thanksgiving!!

  7. Beth D.4:01 PM

    Great idea! I am going to work on mine tonight!!
