

Happy Halloween Wishes to You!

Magic Kingdom, Pumpkin Display, Fall Display, Focused on the Magic
Welcome, foolish mortals! Happy Halloween! 

It's time for tricks and treats and crazy costumes. We've had some tricky weather here in the NE over the weekend in what we're calling, Snowtober. I've had power outages but thankfully I'm baaack! 

The kids were in for a treat with school closings in the area due to snow, downed power lines and toppled trees. Trick or treating will be a challenge for the little ones though as they'll be running through slick streets filled with tree branches in cold temps. 

Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween, MNSSHP, Focused on the Magic

Wishes, Disney Fireworks, Magic Kingdom, Focused on the Magic

More treats in Halloween links from around the blah-haha-ghostphere:

If you are overwhelmed by the thought of doing Halloween makeup check out these makeup tips from the experts on Halloween cosmetology

Have you carved your pumpkin yet? Ours are all homegrown and soft so we'll be carving or smashing later today. Here you'll find the mother load of Disney pumpkin carving templates

Disney Fall Display, Disney Pumpkin, Magic Kingdom, MNSSHP, Focused on the Magic

You may also enjoy our post~ Halloween Decorations around the Magic Kingdom in Disney World and our Halloween themed Wordless Wednesday~ Fall and Wordless Wednesday ~ Villains

Which brings me to the classic Halloween in the NE question all parents have dealt with.....Do they wear their costumes over or under the coat... or even worse the dreaded snowsuit!?

 Halloween Earhat, Disney Halloween Mickey Ears, Focused on the Magic


  1. Manda8:38 AM

    Awesome post Debs! Thanks for the mention! :D

  2. You're welcome Manda:) I loved your pumpkin!

  3. Great post!  Thanks for spreading the magic.  We went to the Disneyland Mickey's Halloween Party in September (first time) and had so much fun!
