

Birthday Wishes

Welcome to The Disney Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop 
hosted by, Debs Dis @ Focused on the Magic. 
Won't you join us in the hop? It's a fun way to make new Disney friends, visit with old friends and see Disney Wordless and sometimes Almost Wordless Wednesday pictures taken by Disney bloggers from around the world.
This week's theme:

There are so many wonderful ways we've celebrated occasions Disney style. It was during a birthday celebration that this shot of Wishes was taken.

What a great way to celebrate with fireworks, a parade!

an Italian birthday song
and a candle to blow out...

If this is your first visit, Welcome to this happy hop! 

Focused On The Magic

For those of you returning, Welcome back DWW Bloggers!

You don't have to follow the theme to link up. 
All Almost or Wordless Wednesday Disney Post are welcome to link up!!

Please visit and leave comments along the way. We all love to read your comments!

 You may also enjoy looking back at all your great Disney pics! 570 to date!

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Have a Disney Day!


  1. I Love Wishes..and seeing wishes on your birthday is so extra Magical! :)

  2. Distherapy3:56 PM

    Wow Deb, where did you shoot that yummy dessert?  Tutto Italia??  Your pix are good enough to eat!!

  3. DebSays3:56 PM

    Thanks D:) That was at Via Napoli and after the Ugly But Good dessert! They go all out for birthdays:)

  4. DebSays3:56 PM

    Well thank you for stopping by. I hope you come back again real soon:)

  5. DebSays3:56 PM

    It's my favorite place to celebrate my birthday. Helps me forget how old I am and I have blast doing it:)

  6. DebSays3:56 PM

    It was sooo good and the Italian birthday song was so much fun to hear!

  7. DebSays3:56 PM

    You're welcome Mary! I'm so glad you can join in and really appreciate it. I know you're very busy. Last week we were away and I was miserable not being able to see every photo posted. 

  8. DebSays3:56 PM

    Oh I hope you do! I'm looking forward to it!!

  9. MouseFanDiane4:00 PM

    I love your pics, the dessert looks so yummy. And the Fireworks are beautiful. You do know how to capture the great moments..

  10. Aimee C4:00 PM

    Thanks for hosting this!  I love the picture from Italy!  It's a really great shot.  There's no better place to celebrate than at Disney!

  11. DebSays4:01 PM

    Aw thanks Diane, that's very kind of you.

  12. DebSays4:01 PM

    You're welcome Aimee! I love seeing all the Disney pics each Wednesday. 
