

The ABC's of Disney ~ The Letter "O"

Today, we're focused on the magic of Disney ABC's!
We're moving along through the alphabet focusing each week on alphabet letter inspired posts. This week's letter is "O"

Oceans of Wonder Cruise...

 Old time movie making...
 Ornate Italian Mask...
 Out of this world... 
  The road to Oz... 
Fountains orange glow... 
 Oil Lamps ...
Oriental opulence...
Organic display...
 Orange pumpkin scarecrow...

Thanks for stopping by. 
I hope you have a Disney Day!


  1. Heidi6:53 AM

    You are just entirely too talented and creative, my friend!  How in the world did you think of all these o's?!  I sat down at my computer and drew a complete blank! LOL  Gotta go get the P post up now!

  2. DebSays6:45 PM

    LOL, I did too!! O was way too hard!! P should be better:D
