

Wordless Wednesday ~ Monorail Moments

Come along and join the fun! Link up your Disney Almost Wordless or Wordless Wednesday posts, make new Disney friends, visit with old friends, see some great pics at 
with me, Debs Dis @ Focused on the Magic   

Your choice for this week's theme is Monorails! 

Did you ever have a Monorail Moment? It happens to me all the time. I'll be walking through Epcot on my way to an attraction, ADR or just deep in conversation when suddenly I look up, stop in my tracks and just watch as the monorail goes by. If I think quickly enough I'll capture the moment with my camera as I did here but most times I just watch. 
Have you had a monorail moment?

If this is your first visit, Welcome to this happy hop! 

Focused On The Magic

For those of you returning, Welcome back DWW Bloggers!

Following the theme is your choice. 
Any Almost or Wordless Wednesday Disney Post is welcome to link up!!

Cast your vote for next week's theme starting tomorrow. 
Look for the poll right here on the blog and on Facebook.
Leave your theme ideas today in the comments section.

 You may also enjoy looking back at all your great Disney pics! 445 to date!

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Have a Disney Day!


  1. What a gorgeous picture, Deb! Absolutely stunning! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Great photo! I kind of stretched the monorail concept on mine :)

  3. Deb~
    That is a GORGEOUS picture! I don't have anything to compete with that! And I love that little monorail graphic.

  4. I looked through all of my pics and couldn't find one of the monorail. So sad. Of course even if I had one it wouldn't have competed with your shot. Great picture once again!

  5. There sure is a lot to see in that photo. What a great view!

  6. This is one of those photos I could look at for hours. It really makes me wish I was there right now! :)

  7. Amazing photo! Love when they have the flowers in the water during Flower & Garden Festival!

  8. Good Morning! Loved waking up to all your nice comments:)I've had this pic for a long time and never really looked at it until we decided to do a monorail theme. Now I'm glad I did and that you all like it:D

    I'm so excited to see what everyone did for WW. Just one thing before I go. I have to make sure newbies here know. The competition comments are a joke! It's not a competition! No judging, no prizes, although I wish I could afford to give them to everyone who links up. If I ever have a sponsor I will;)

    There's nothing about this group of Disney bloggers that is judgmental!! We truly love seeing each others pics and leaving comments...and teasing each other !!

    So, who's line leader today and where's the coffee?

  9. I love the theme and the beautiful pic of the monorail..

  10. Hey everyone! Thank you so much for all your kind words about my pic this week:)
    I just finished hopping to all your posts. It took all day but I like to visit each blog and really look around while I'm there. All I can say is Wow! You all are amazing and thank you for sharing your posts!!
    I have an idea for a topic for next week that I'm going to put up on Facebook and Twitter to see what you think.

  11. Thats a pretty pic, I love the flowers in the water very pretty! :)

    Hi, Im a new follower from the Blog Hop, loving the blog! Im also following networked blogs and fb while I was here :)! I would love to invite you to follow me, J'S REVIEWS AND GIVEAWAYS
    Thanks so much! have a great day!

  12. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Oh. my. goodness. Stunning! Truly...stunning. Perfect photo Deb. Brava!

  13. Wonderful pic Deb! I love how the Monorail so perfectly matches the flowers!

    I love having a theme for the bloghop, but I couldn't find anything I liked that was Monorail related! :D Thanks again for hosting!

  14. WOW! That's all I can say about that photo. It's simply STUNNING!

    I'm bummed I couldn't participate this week...couldn't find my Monorail Blue pic. It's somewhere but was taken before I started tagging all my photos. I'll be back next week! In the meantime I get to checkout everyone else's photos. :-)

  15. That. Is. Breath taking!! Awesome! :D

  16. Cathy S5:48 PM

    That is one of the most beautiful photos of the monorail in EPCOT that I've ever seen!  I know I got one from this trip, but I know it isn't near that pretty.
