

Silent Sunday


Silent Sunday
Do you have pictures that *speak* for themselves? Photos that stand alone and just don't need words with them. I've been sharing mine on Silent Sundays and thought you might like to join me. 

Silent Sunday is different from Wordless Wednesday in that, there is no theme, no title and not a single word with each picture. The picture speaks for itself. 
Could be of anything Disney related, inspirational scenes, kids having fun, funny expressions, tasty get the idea. It's not a contest, just a fun creative challenge each Sunday. A break from blogging articles but who knows maybe seeing a picture may inspire you to write a post..
So, you're all invited to link up and share your silent pictures or stop by on Sunday and leave a comment.

There are just a few simple rules if you link up:
  • Link to one Disney related photo on your blog, Facebook, Twitpics, Flickr etc.
  • No words in the post just the picture. Let that one picture speak for itself.
  • The link must go directly to your Silent Sunday post. No link exchange posts or ads. 
  • You must own the picture. No "borrowing". 
  • Add the button to your post. I'll make a smaller less intrusive one in the future. There will be no words so this is the only way for people to find more Silent Sunday photos.

Focused On The Magic

Have fun, let your creativity fly...silently!


  1. Aimee C1:26 PM

    This is such a GREAT idea!!  I look forward to posting every Sunday! :)

  2. DebSays1:38 PM

    Thanks Aimee! I'm so glad you'll be joining us. I'm looking forward to seeing your posts:)

  3. What a gorgeous lily! Perfectly captured.

  4. DebSays2:13 PM

    Thanks Lucinda:)
