The first family tradition on each trip is heading to the parks after checking in to our resort. The Magic Kingdom is our first park and POTC is our first ride. In Disney's Hollywood Studios we head right for The Great Movie Ride. The last night is always spent at The Magic Kingdom to see Wishes.

When we're in Disney World I must have at least one Dole Whip and usually a few throughout the vacation:D It's also tradition to pay one forward for "Bawb", a dear Diser who passed away. You can read more about my Dole Whip traditions here.

At least one night during the trip I'll go out late at night and take pics of the resort. It's my time:)

Along the way a few unconventional traditions have developed too.

It was during one of our early trips (pre-Peter) that our first unconventional family tradition started. DH always took video of us entering the park. First, he'd zoom in on the entrance sign then my son and I walking up to the gates with our backs to the camera. These movies cause laughs and giggles even now as DH would always manage to get my butt in the picture as I walked toward the park entrances. Thankfully, it was a lot smaller then and a better sight to see than it would be now. So, getting back to how the tradition was born.My son was all of 3 or 4 walking backward into the then MGM Studios waving to DH saying "Come on Dad". Well, of course, what happens when a little guy walks backward? Yup, he stumbled and did a sort of a skip/hop but no plop as he managed not to fall. A tradition was born! Every time we enter Disney's Hollywood Studios we walk backward pretending to fall. Laughing all the way:)
Even that tradition has evolved into a birthday backward walking into Epcot's Future World tradition. On my birthday last year, I walked from Epcot's entrance backward into the Future... Future World that is. One step for each year. I hope to one day walk so far backward into Future World as to reach Spaceship Earth! I haven't counted the steps but it must be over a 100 ;)
Peter started a tradition on one of our cruises and it's continued with our park trips. We call it "Hat Night". The last night of the trip we decorate our hats with pins, glow sticks, fast passes and whatever else we have handy.
Designing them is a blast! Wearing them?!
One of the best traditions DH & I have is relaxing on the balcony of the resort at the end of a long day with a glass of wine. If we're staying at the Wilderness Lodge then we're sipping Fess Parker. DH, a Davy Crockett fan, developed a taste for Fess Parker wines at the Food & Wine Festival one year. Now that's his wine of choice (if we can find it) at Disney World.
We have another tradition...
Whatever happens in Disney stays in Disney !
Unless of course, I decide to blog about it ;)