

Blogging with Integrity

This week's Babes in Disneyland Blog Hop topic is integrity. Along with the topic Lisa has asked us to read and consider taking a blogging pledge of integrity which she as one of  The Three Disneyland Moms has created. You can read it here and take the pledge. 

In my blog I share my pics, tips and personal travel experiences. I have no hidden agenda, no sponsors or anything to sell. I write or take pics of those things I find interesting, news worthy or entertaining to me that relate to Disney. I hope that my readers are entertained or enlightened or both. I would also hope that I've never offended anyone or imposed my thoughts and ideas in an offensive manner. If I have I sincerely apologize. If I do in the future, please go gently me on me. I'm old;)  I've been around the Disney online community since 1994. In all that time I've come across very few instances where Disney fan board members, bloggers or webmasters behaved in a manner without integrity.  Even in those rare situations differences were discretely worked out in true "Disney" spirit. 
 We as bloggers may not directly represent the Disney corporation, but we are hosts of the Disney culture and the Disney online community. In that sense, I feel we have a responsibility in our blogging actions to behave with the utmost integrity and respect for Disney. Obviously, I gladly signed the pledge. It reaffirms what we all know is right and is a welcome reminder to do the right thing.  
Always let your conscience be your guide

Did you sign the pledge? What do you think?


  1. The pledge is a great reminder. I love your blog and I am so happy to call you a Disney friend. Great photo!

  2. Thank you Melissa, that means a lot to me as does your friendship ♥

  3. Wonderful post and picture! I didn't even think of that quote, but it goes along great with the theme! I always enjoy reading your posts and am happy to be a part of this Disney community :)

    Bitten by the Disney Bug

  4. Deb, I totally agree. We are all human and there are going to be disputes and differences of opinion. These differences should be handled quietly and privately. I love your blog and look forward to your pictures.

  5. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Very appropriate photo and quote Deb. I can't wait to take the pledge and join the hop...but I'll be late, as usual. Blog on bloggers...I'll catch up! ;o)

  6. Ditto! I've only been around the blogosphere for a few months, so I am glad to hear that you also hold Disney bloggers in high regard. Thank you for hosting your Hop, sharing your tips, and being such an honorable Disney friend :D

  7. Hi Deb, I love your blog it makes me smile. I agree with everything you said no hidden agenda just pics, tips and stories. That was one of the reasons I started blogging to share but also to learn. I wanted to hear other Disney stories too. Great pic for this post..

  8. I took the pledge, the Disney community is the best to be in. I love your blog and reading your posts. Have a magical day.

    Bookgirl @ My Magical Adventures

  9. I'm with ya Debs and I'm all in the pledge, too. As the rest have said, you and your blog are an asset to our Disney community :)

  10. Very well said Debs! And I love the photo! :) Your blog is awesome, everything you do is with Integrity! :D

  11. Thanks everyone for all your kind words!! You all are so awesome! I ♥ my Disney Blogger Friends:)

  12. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Hello. And thank you at once for such an amazing web site. I'll be visiting it on a regular basis.
